Apple’s upcoming iPad Pro models will feature “by far the best OLED tablet panels on the market,” according to Display Supply Chain Consultants. Set to be announced on May 7, the OLED iPad Pro models will feature LTPO (a more power efficient form of OLED), a 120Hz ProMotion refresh rate, and a tandem stack and glass thinning that will bring “ultra-thin and light displays” that support high brightness, extended battery life, and a long lifetime.
As has been previously rumored, today’s report suggests that the iPad Pro models will be available in 12.9-inch and 11.1-inch sizes, with both options to feature slimmed down bezels and a much thinner design. The 12.9-inch version, for example, will be over 1mm thinner than the current model.
There is a possibility that the 11.1-inch iPad Pro will be in short supply at launch because Apple has been dealing with light leakage issues that are not impacting the 12.9-inch model.
Along with the best OLED display on the market, the iPad Pro models could get Apple’s next-generation AI-optimized M4 chip, and they are expected to ship alongside a new Apple Pencil and an updated version of the Magic Keyboard. Apple will also introduce new 10.9-inch and 12.9-inch LCD iPad Air models.
Apple plans to unveil the updated iPads on Tuesday, May 7 at 7:00 a.m. Pacific Time.
This article, “Apple to Use ‘Best OLED Panels on the Market’ for Upcoming iPad Pro” first appeared on
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